KMA gives physicians a voice in the Kentucky General Assembly; it represents all physicians and patients before legislators.
Through its advocacy efforts, KMA gives physicians a voice by:
- Presenting expert testimony to legislative committees;
- Providing analysis on the likely outcomes of key legislative proposals;
- Meeting personally with members of the General Assembly to discuss KMA’s positions; and
- Facilitating direct communication between KMA members and their legislators through the KMA Legislative Action Center.
Through traditional and social media, KMA keeps members up to date on issues important to physicians and patients. Follow KMA on Twitter and LinkedIn, like KMA on Facebook and check your inbox for the bimonthly e-newsletter, Kentucky Health eNews, and your mailbox for the print Communicator and For the Record: The Journal of the Kentucky Medical Association.
KMA works to assure quality care for Kentucky patients by providing educational resources to improve patient safety and developing other resources for physicians that allow them to focus on providing health care. These include practice management information focused on billing/coding, compliance, health information technology, and insurance and payments/reimbursement.
KMA provides a number of educational opportunities for physicians throughout the year, both in-person and virtually. Members are encouraged to view the KMA Events Calendar and watch for events advertised in Kentucky Health eNews.
KMA’s new CME Guarantee program allow physicians to receive access to at least 30 hours of Category I Continuing Medical Education (CME) credit each three-year cycle at no cost. Members can receive education on a wide range of topics, including mandatory licensure requirements, up-to-date clinical guidance, and professional development through a catalog of virtual enduring material. Members can simply log in to their account at kyma.org/CMEGuarantee to access the material. KMA will also keep track of the CME each member completes through the program.
The Be Well. Stay Well. Physician Health Program provides up to six free visits with a licensed therapist for KMA physician members in rural areas of the state through The Woodland Group of Lexington, which has extensive experience working with physicians who are dealing with the normal issues every physician encounters throughout his or her career. The visits are conducted remotely and kept completely confidential from anyone with KMA and/or the physician’s practice or employer. The Woodland Group manages the administrative aspects of confirming KMA membership and no report is provided to KMA that contains any physician’s name. Learn more here.
Membership FAQs
For additional information on the KMA membership application process, including membership categories and dues amounts, see Membership FAQs or contact the KMA Membership Department at 502-426-6200 or member@kyma.org.
This free mobile application available to KMA members, allows doctors to communicate and share vital patient information without having to worry about HIPAA violations. To learn more, view the DocbookMD Orientation Guide.
The KMA Physician Finder is a searchable website database of all current members.
Foundation Risk Partners
From property insurance to employee benefits, Foundation Risk Partners has you covered. FRP is an independent insurance agency which covers the traditional individual and family markets as well as medical malpractice and other types of business insurance. They work with multiple companies for insurance covering property, casualty, life, health, employee benefits, medical, dental and aviation insurance. FRP has provided medical professional liability insurance for more than 50 years making them one of the most experienced medical malpractice agencies in Kentucky. Backed by a responsive team dedicated to delivering exceptional service, FRP helps businesses stay protected with comprehensive policies tailored to fit their needs. Contact Todd Sorrell, 502-493-7947, tsorrell@foundationrp.com for more information.
MagMutual is KMA’s exclusively endorsed provider of medical professional liability insurance for physicians, residents and medical students. MagMutual offers extensive coverage through a network of Kentucky agents specializing in medical malpractice insurance as well as state-specific claims handling, risk management and educational resources.