If you are having trouble reaching The Woodland Group by phone, email thewoodlandgroup40508@gmail.com to make an appointment. Please include your name and contact information for they will get back to you.
In these trying times, physicians find themselves under enormous pressure as they deal with the normal struggles of everyday life. This professional and personal pressure has only been accentuated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
To assist physicians in rural areas of Kentucky with addressing these issues, the Kentucky Medical Association (KMA) and the Kentucky Foundation for Medical Care (KFMC) have launched the Be Well. Stay Well Physician Health Program.
This program provides up to six free visits with a licensed therapist for KMA physician members in rural areas of the state through The Woodland Group of Lexington, which has extensive experience working with physicians who are dealing with the normal issues every physician encounters throughout his or her career. The visits are conducted remotely and kept completely confidential from anyone with KMA and/or the physician’s practice or employer. The Woodland Group manages the administrative aspects of confirming KMA membership and no report is provided to KMA that contains any physician’s name.
This program is made available to rural physicians because of the unique geographic limitations some may face in seeking such assistance, as well as the fact that some urban areas, through their county medical societies, have similar programs that have proven quite popular and successful.
If you are interested in taking advantage of the Be Well. Stay Well Physician Health Program, please confirm your KMA membership status at members.kyma.org. If you are not a member, but wish to become one, click here.
To make an appointment, call The Woodland Group directly at (859) 255-4864, extension 22.
Download the Be Well. Stay Well Physician Health Program brochure.
Physicians in Lexington and Louisville are encouraged to take advantage of physician wellness programs offered through the Lexington Medical Society and the Greater Louisville Medical Society.