KMA Launches “KY Physicians Care” Scope of Practice Campaign

KMA has launched a new public education campaign aimed at promoting the physician-led, team-based care model, “Kentucky Physicians Care.”

The effort is a result of a $65,000 grant KMA received from the AMA’s Scope of Practice Partnership in August. Kentucky Physicians Care includes an op-ed by KMA President Monalisa Tailor, M.D., which was published last week in the Courier-Journal, as well as a website with educational materials, paid advertising, and targeted efforts with legislators. The campaign is also conducting a statewide public opinion poll.

The campaign will also educate and highlight evidence-based reforms that can assist with the healthcare workforce shortage and access to care issues.

“This effort will educate Kentuckians on the role physicians play within the care team and the collaboration among providers that leads to the best patient outcomes. We will also continue to advocate for policy solutions that will ensure this model’s longevity, even as the health care system evolves,” said Dr. Tailor.

More information about the campaign is available at

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