Member Alert May 12: Executive Order Signed for Healthcare Reopening Phases III and IV

Gov. Andy Beshear has signed an Executive Order regarding the final directives for Phases III and IV of the reopening of healthcare services in Kentucky. A change was made to the visitation policy, effective May 13, which now states that a healthcare facility may allow one visitor/support person per patient at the discretion of the facility and based on the best judgement of the facility to protect patients, visitors and staff. All visitors must be screened for temperature and COVID-19 symptoms upon arrival and must wear a mask at all times while within the facility.

Phase III, which begins May 13, includes non-emergent/non-urgent inpatient surgery and procedures at 50% of the pre-shutdown volume. Phase IV, which begins May 27, includes non-emergent/non-urgent inpatient surgery and procedures at a volume determined by each facility but in compliance with other requirements within the order. The Executive Order is available here.

CDC Study Shows Decrease in Childhood Vaccine Ordering and Administration Amid COVID-19

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has released a study indicating a decline in routine childhood vaccines ordered and administered through the federal Vaccines for Children (VCF) program during the COVID-19 pandemic.

VFC is a national program that provides federally purchased vaccines to approximately 50% of U.S. children aged 0–18 years. Vaccine Tracking System data indicate a notable decrease in orders for VFC-funded, ACIP-recommended non-influenza childhood vaccines and for measles-containing vaccines. The decline began the week after the national emergency declaration. Similar declines in orders for other vaccines were also observed.

More information on the study is available here.

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