As we move ahead another month into 2025, I want to thank each of you who has contacted your legislators on behalf of the KMA this year. While our 2025 Physicians’ Day at the Capitol had to be cancelled due to the winter storm, your presence and engagement throughout the year elevates the collective voice of medicine and demonstrates your commitment to improving healthcare in Kentucky. Advocacy remains a pillar of the KMA’s mission, and your continued involvement ensures that the concerns and needs of our patients and our profession are heard by our legislators.
Physicians’ Day at the Capitol, and all of our work in Frankfort, serves as a powerful reminder that when we come together, we can make a big difference. As you well know, healthcare policy is shaped not only by lawmakers but also by those of us on the frontlines—by physicians who see firsthand the challenges our patients face. Whether it was discussing scope of practice, prior authorization reform, public health, or other priority issues, your advocacy helps influence meaningful change. I encourage all of you to continue engaging with your legislators throughout the year. Building those relationships strengthens our ability to drive reforms that improve both our practice and the lives of our patients.
I also wanted to highlight the recent activity of our Small STEPS, Big Impact campaign. As you may recall, this two-year public health initiative encourages Kentuckians to make small changes to their lifestyles that can add up to a big impact on their overall health. With a focus on five key areas—Screenings, Tobacco use, Exercise and nutrition, Physician visits, and Stress– we are helping to combat many of the chronic diseases and health issues that have put Kentucky at the bottom of health rankings reports.
We were excited to launch the campaign last month with our website,, as well as a press release and a round of digital and streaming service ads. We are also in the process of publishing a statewide op-ed, co-authored by our fantastic group of STEPS Physician Ambassadors, who have made a personal commitment to furthering this campaign throughout the next two years. In addition, we will soon be filming two television appearances, including an episode of Kentucky Health on KET and LIVE From Chevy Chase on Fox 56 in Lexington. Finally, we have several exciting virtual CME events planned, so please watch your inbox for the opportunity to register for those very soon.
I am honored to serve as your President and thrilled that KMA remains so committed to advocating for important policies and the well-being of our patients. Our efforts, whether through legislative advocacy like our recent PDAC or public health initiatives such as the STEPS campaign, are shaping a healthier future for Kentucky. I thank you for your membership, and encourage you to stay involved, stay informed, and continue making your voice heard.