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How Have Prior Authorizations Impacted Your Practice and Your Patients?

KMA Calls for Submissions to to Help Advocate for Prior Authorization Reform

A 2022 KMA member survey indicated that administrative burdens related to the prior authorization process was the top stressor among Kentucky physicians. Although a 2023 bill related to streamlining this process did not pass, prior authorization reform remains a top priority of the KMA, and the Association will continue to advocate for its passage in the upcoming legislative session.

One of the best tools KMA has to emphasize the importance of this issue to legislators is the first-hand accounts of the negative impacts it has on patients and the practice of medicine. That’s why KMA is asking for your help in bringing these stories to light.

KMA is encouraging members to share examples of the burdens, barriers, and negative effects of the prior authorization process by emailing your stories to KMA may use these in testimonies, handouts, and in key conversations with legislators as we work to educate them on this topic and the importance of prior authorization reform.

Please include your name and the city you practice in with your submission. However, we ask that you respect the privacy of your patients by not sharing any additional identifiable information in your story. Thank you in advance for your help in moving this important issue forward!

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