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KY Physicians Care Debuts “A Day in the Life” Video


KMA’s “KY Physicians Care” campaign seeks to promote the physician-led, team-based care model and highlight the importance of collaboration between physicians and other care providers. The campaign, made possible through a grant from the American Medical Association (AMA)’s Scope of Practice Partnership, also outlines evidence-based reforms that can assist with the healthcare workforce shortage and access to care issues.

An important tool in educating laypersons about the physician-led, team-based care model is understanding the unique responsibilities and duties of physicians compared to other care providers. A new video from the campaign featuring KMA President-Elect Evelyn Montgomery Jones, M.D., provides an inside look at her practice in Paducah, her education and training, and the members of her team.

“A Day in the Life” is now available on KMA’s YouTube channel, as well as at

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