Improved consistency and fewer burdens for quality measurement reporting

Posted July 5, 2018

The focus of 2017-2018 Maurice Oakley M.D.’s KMA presidency has been to reduce administrative burden for physicians. In early 2018, KMA also launched its AIM for Better Care initiative, which seeks to reduce administrative burdens that lead to negative health outcomes in Kentucky.

For close to a year the KMA has partnered with Kentucky Medicaid, the Kentuckiana Health Collaborative, commercial and public insurance payers, managed care organizations, clinicians (including members of KMA’s Public Health Commission), the Kentucky Primary Care Association and others to develop a commonly reported quality measure set that may be used by all Kentucky insurers.

The primary goals of KMA’s participation on this workgroup were to:

  1. Reduce provider reporting and administrative burdens concerning quality measures
  2. Focus on KMA health priorities
  3. Introduce meaningful measures that would contribute to improving the health of all Kentuckians

The final result includes 32 primary care measures, 21 of which are considered high priority, focused in the area of prevention, pediatrics, chronic and acute care management, behavioral health, and cost utilization. This is less than half of the 89 currently incented measures in Kentucky by various programs.

The group will now begin the process of working with organizations to adopt this core measures set and utilize it in contracting.

KMA would like to extend its thanks to the KMA Public Health Commission for providing crucial clinical input and data on which measures were the most important while maintaining a focus on KMA’s health priorities.

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