Kentucky Online Gateway –New Portal to Access KASPER

Posted February 11, 2019

The Kentucky Online Gateway (KOG) is used by Medicaid patients to manage their Medicaid services, learn about online classes, employment opportunities and more with a single sign-on.

Beginning April 1, 2019, physicians will use KOG to connect to the Kentucky All Schedule Prescription Electronic System (eKasper). To prepare for this change physicians must take the following actions to ensure uninterrupted access to eKASPER:

  1. Register at:
  2. Provide a unique email address prior to April 2019.
  3. Delegate account holders must also have a unique email address (multiple eKASPER users will no longer be able to share an email address, such as a practice-wide email.)

If a physician attempts to log into the old eKASPER portal April 1, 2019 or after the system automatically take you to the KOG registration page. (If a KOG account already exists –only a login is required.)

For more information, contact the help desk at eKASPERHELP@KY.GOV or call (502) 564-2703.

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