The CDC recently updated the COVID-19 isolation and quarantine period from 10 days to 5 days. On January 10, 2022, the Kentucky Department for Public Health (KDPH), revised it’s “COVID-19 Prevention Guidance for K-12 Schools and Childcare Settings” documents to reflect the changes made by the CDC.
In response, the Kentucky High School Athletic Association (KHSAA) and the KMA Physical Education and Medical Aspects of Sports Committee (Sports Committee) met to review the CDC and KDPH’s updates and to make necessary revisions to relevant KHSAA Return-to-Play/Return-to-Activity (RTP/RTA) documents. In consultation with the Sports Committee, KHSAA recommended the following changes to the KHSAA Board of Control:
ISOLATION: Day 0 is still the day of the beginning of COVID symptoms or a positive test. Day 1 is the following day. Isolation can end on Day 5 if symptoms are fully resolved (no fever for > 24 hours with no antipyretic medications) or if the student-athlete never had symptoms. The student-athlete must then be seen by a physician (MD or DO) on day 5, and if cleared by the physician, can then begin the RTP/RTA Protocol on Day 6. A well-fitting mask must be worn from Day 6 to Day 10. Please note that the “KHSAA COVID-19 Return to Activity Form” (KHSAA form GE91) allows the student-athlete, pursuant to physician discretion, to return to play/activity on the 4th day of the protocol.
QUARANTINE: For a student-athlete who is not fully vaccinated, quarantine can end on Day 5 with a negative test if no symptoms have developed. However, a well-fitting mask must be worn from Day 6 to 10. KDPH states that quarantine is not necessary for a fully vaccinated individual, but he or she should wear a well-fitting face mask from Day 1 to Day 10 and should be tested on Day 5. If the student-athlete develops symptoms or has a positive test, he or she must enter the Isolation Protocol.
The KHSAA Board of Control met on January 19, 2022 and approved the recommended revisions. The updated RTP/RTA guidance and forms can be found here. The documents pertain only to physicians who may evaluate and treat student-athletes diagnosed with COVID-19 infection and is based on a number of clinical resources.
KMA would like to thank the KHSAA and the Sports Committee for their tireless work and timely response to the ever-changing COVID-19 developments.