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October President’s Message: Seasons of Change and Renewal

As the crisp air and vibrant colors of fall begin to surround us, I am reminded that this season is one of transitions. Nature prepares for a time of rest, while many of us reflect on the accomplishments of the year and prepare for the challenges that lie ahead.

Fall not only signals change in the natural world, but it also provides a chance for us as physicians to think about the transitions happening within medicine. Whether it’s advancements in medical technology (like what many of us saw and heard about at our Annual Meeting this August), shifting policies that affect our practices, or the evolving needs of our patients, we are constantly adapting. These transitions reinforce the importance of standing together as a medical community. It is through our membership within the KMA that we are able to navigate these changes, advocate for our profession, and continue to provide the very best care to the people of Kentucky.

This past year, the KMA achieved significant milestones. We successfully lobbied for legislative changes that benefit both physicians and patients, enhanced our continuing medical education offerings, and created new platforms for collaboration across specialties and regions. Our work in public health initiatives, particularly through Dr. Kuduk’s “Voices for Vaccination” campaign, continues to make a meaningful impact across the state.

However, none of this would have been possible without your involvement. As a member of the KMA, you are part of the collective voice that amplifies our ability to protect the future of medicine in Kentucky. Your membership ensures that we have the resources and reach to advocate for policy changes, support physicians at all stages of their careers, and foster a strong, connected medical community.

Looking ahead to 2025, the KMA is poised to build on these successes. We are preparing to embark on a new two-year, multifaceted public health campaign that will address five key areas of health called, “Small STEPS, Big Impact.” We will also advocate for changes during a new legislative session in Frankfort, and continue providing quality education on important and timely topics of interest. But in order to do all of this, we need your support. By renewing your membership in the KMA, you are investing in the future of medicine in Kentucky. You’re ensuring that our profession continues to thrive, that we can meet the challenges of a changing healthcare landscape, and that we can continue to improve the lives of our patients.

Renewing your membership is easy. You can simply visit the KMA Member Center here and renew online. To make things even more seamless, KMA is now offering monthly payment and annual renewal options for 2025, so I encourage you to take a look at those options to secure your membership in the future as well.

I hope this season of change allows you to reflect on the accomplishments you achieved this year, both within your practice and through the KMA. With your membership, I know we can continue to strengthen the medical profession in Kentucky and ensure a brighter future for us all.

Thank you for being a KMA member, and I look forward to another successful year ahead.

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