Participate in Survey on Domestic Violence Mandatory Reporting Law

You are invited to take part in a research study related to the Kentucky law that mandates reportage of domestic violence (spouse abuse) (KRS 209A.030). The study involves a brief, online, anonymous survey that is being completed by licensed physicians. Its purpose is to gather information regarding their experiences with and views of the mandatory reporting law.  The results of the study will be reported in the aggregate to those seeking ways to improve clinical practice and the protection of victims.

The study is being led by Carol E. Jordan, Executive Director of the Office for Policy Studies on Violence Against Women at the University of Kentucky, and Adam Pritchard, Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Central Florida. It has been approved by the UK Institutional Review Board. Questions related to the survey can be directed to

The survey begins with informed consent items. It has less than 20 questions, so will take a very short time to complete.  The survey will be accessible on this website through mid-April 2016.

If you are interested in participating in the survey, please simply click here.

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