Working Together to Strengthen the Family of Medicine

Representatives of KMA, the KMA Alliance, and the Greater Louisville Medical Society came together to attend the May 10 Lexington Medical Society meeting where Cory Meadows, KMA Director of Advocacy and Legal Affairs and Robert Couch, MD, KPPAC Chair, spoke about the 2016 legislative session.

LMS mtg photo revised

Front row L to R:  Patty Pellegrini, KMAA President; Betty Nolan, LMSA President Elect; Tracy Francis, LMSA Membership Chair and KPPAC member, and Robert Couch, MD, KPPAC Chair.  Back row L to R:  Thomas K. Slabaugh, Jr., MD, LMS President; Cory Meadows, KMA Director of Advocacy and Legal Affairs; Holly Hadley, LMSA Secretary; Cheryl Broster, LMSA President and KPPAC member, and Pat Padgett, KMA Executive Vice President

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