AMA President Bruce Scott, M.D. to Join KMA Virtual Legislative Briefing

American Medical Association (AMA) President and KMA Past President Dr. Bruce Scott will join the KMA Virtual Legislative Briefing on Feb. 17 to provide an update on federal advocacy issues to KMA members prior to KMA’s 2025 Physicians’ Day at the Capitol (PDAC), which will be held Feb. 19 in Frankfort.

Dr. Scott served as KMA President from 2018-2019 and was inaugurated as the 179th president of the AMA in June 2024. Prior to being voted President-Elect in 2023, he served four years as Speaker and four years as Vice Speaker of the AMA House of Delegates, presiding at the meetings of delegates from every state and specialty as they crafted policies for the medical profession.

KMA members are encouraged to register and attend both events, however, members who are unable to attend PDAC on Feb. 19 are still welcome to register for the Virtual Legislative Briefing with Dr. Scott on Feb. 17.

Registration for PDAC and the Virtual Legislative Briefing is free and available at

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