KMAA Bees Busy at Work

Spring has arrived in the Bluegrass and the Kentucky Medical Association Alliance bees have been buzzing around the Capitol in Frankfort for three recent events.

On March 14, a small number of us were honored to meet with Governor Matthew Bevin as he signed our Doctors’ Day proclamation. Doctor’s Day was celebrated around the nation on March 30.

On March 23, we once again headed to Frankfort for our annual “House Calls” event in the Capitol Annex, doing blood pressure screenings and handing out apples and health brochures to legislators and their staff members. We did this in honor of Doctor’s Day, proudly displaying our newly signed Doctor’s Day proclamation.

Following “House Calls,” we headed over to the Capitol where State Supreme Court Justice and fellow Alliance member, Michelle Keller, escorted us on a personal tour of the Supreme Court chambers and conference room. We were honored to have the opportunity to spend time with Justice Keller, hearing all about her road to becoming a Supreme Court Justice and all the duties and responsibilities her job entails.

Have you heard the good news? Our own Kim Moser has been nominated AMAA President-Elect. Kentucky has certainly been well represented at both the AMA and the AMAA. We are so proud of you Kim.

Patty Pellegrini
KMAA President

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