President’s Message: “Thanks and Gratitude”

It’s hard to believe but my time as KMA President is coming to a close.

On Aug. 28, Dr. Monalisa Tailor will take the oath of office and begin her year of service. She will make an excellent President and lead the KMA to new and exciting places. I hope that many of you will be joining us for her inauguration at our Annual Meeting this weekend. The meeting will also include the KMA House of Delegates, elections for the Board of Trustees, awards presentations, and education offerings. I’m looking forward to seeing many of you in-person for the first time in nearly three years.

In reflecting on my time as President, I keep coming back to two words: humbled and grateful.

I am grateful to have been chosen to serve. What an honor it has been to hold this position at a time when healthcare has faced one of its greatest challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly altered our lives, especially for those of us in medicine, and being at the helm of such an important organization during this period has been an honor and a privilege.

I am grateful for the work we accomplished. Despite the challenges before us, the KMA continued to prioritize projects and goals that would have the biggest impact on patients and the practice of medicine. From numerous advocacy successes to valuable leadership education, our physician wellness initiative, and public health efforts like Breathe Better Kentucky and the Take It From Me campaign, we adapted to the changes before us and maximized our impact.

I am grateful for your membership. Once again, KMA saw an increase in active membership this past year. I believe that’s a true testament to the value of our Association. Without you, our members, the KMA would not be able to accomplish all that we have. The power of the KMA is in our collective voice and our ability to come together as one.  As a single voice we can advocate, educate, and communicate on behalf of our patients and our practices.

I hope that you are able to reflect on the last year and be as proud of the KMA as I am. Together, we made a difference in the lives of Kentuckians, which is why so many of us became physicians in the first place: to make a difference in the lives of our patients. We cannot foretell what challenges lie in the future for medicine but I am confident the KMA will continue to be here for me, for you, and most importantly, our patients.

Thank you for your membership. It has been an honor to serve as your President.

Wishing you health and happiness,

Neal J. Moser, M.D.
2021-2022 KMA President


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